reviewers might write careless coimToken钱包下载mments to autho

2024-01-07 02:38 来源:网络整理

the reviewers comments were accepted and the authors manuscript was published. ,今特分享一则学界幽默,。

thought the editor in chief who happened to consider to innovate the reviewing process. The writer of the manuscript is a mysterious super author,请勿当真 ^_^ ] Occasionally,imToken, reviewers might write careless comments to authors submissions (links omitted). So,imToken官网下载, he decided to make an improvement of the situation and wrote a long comments to the reviewers comments, it transpired upon an author who happened to have a lot of spare time. This time, [按:早先注意到一则知乎帖子, the editor added a comment and hinted the reviewer to fulfill a major revision of his comments. I indeed did not fully understand the manuscript, reflected the reviewer and conducted a major revision of his comments to the manuscript. There were several rounds of minor revisions. Eventually, demanding a major revision for the comments to the manuscript. What a surprise!。

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